Does Club4U send SMS?
No. The user of the application only receives alerts for cooperating companies chosen.
Does Club4U send E-mails?
No. Only alerts in mobile devices
How many posts I can publish?
The Club4U team will advise you on the proper use of the platform, depending on your requirements for communication and advertising.
What’s the content of a post?
Unlike the “poor” only text SMS, Club4U posts are rich content and can contain text, pictures, video, etc. Additionally, pdf files can be sent.
Most mobile don’t receive MMS, because the charges involved. My messages which are sent through Club4U platform involves charges?
Your messages and notifications through Club4U platform are not SMS/MMS and consequently have no charge. Using data may may involve charges.
I publish the news of my company on social networks for free. Why should I use Club4U platform?
Posting to social networks for free, you can not be sure how many if any saw the publication. Most often, important posts are lost in the plethora of information on social networks.
Using Club4U services, you can be sure that the users of mobile application are notified of your company’s activities.
When your company starts communicating through Club4U services, all users will be informed therefore will be potentially recipients of your notifications.
The response of my publications to social networks is great. Why should I use Club4U platform?
Many "Like" are welcome, but in no case can they be considered a valid statistic, as the social media audience can not be classified into a specific target group targeted by your business. On the contrary, those who choose to be informed by you through Club4U are really interested in your products or services.
How would I promote my mobile app?
The Club4U team will suggest ways to communicate and promote your own mobile application, such as social media announcements, mobile application competitions, etc.
Why should users download my company's mobile application?
Using Club4U services, you provide instant news updates, invitations, discounts and product offers, some of which can only be available through the application thus creating a loyal clientele.
From my experience with sending informative e-mails (newsletters) sufficient time is required due to mail servers limitations. This happens with Club4U?
No. Each notification broadcasts simultaneously with 1 click (multicasting) to all users, anywhere in the world.
Many emails are lost because they characterized as spam messages. Does this apply with messages through Club4U platform?
No. Your messages through Club4U platform are not e-mails. Furthermore, having your mobile app, each user has agreed to receive messages from your company.
Can I send messages to specific recipients?
Yes. Using Club4U services you can send personalized messages to specific recipient(s) or recipients group(s).
How Club4U messages outperform e-mails?
Messages sent through Club4U platform, is irrelevant on how often people use their email accounts. Notifications of Club4U exceed the capacity problems of mail servers, spam classification, etc. and go directly to their recipients.
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